1:1 Coaching Application Name * First Name Last Name Email * What brings you to working 1:1 with me? What are you hoping to achieve? * Instagram Handle Are you currently in therapy? * Yes No And if so, for how long and what type of therapy? Have you done any coaching before? * Yes No Are you ready to excavate and do some hard/healing/powerful work consistently?! Absolutely 120% YES On the fence... Please describe the woman you desire to be, the life you want to be living, after our time together? * In this chapter of up-leveling, what does a nourishing, abundant, financial investment in this 1:1 work look like for you right now? Feel into your body. What does a "hell yes, I am worth this $$ investment" look like? * $700/month $800/month $900/month Thank you! You will hear from me within the next 24 hours. <3 Looking forward to connecting.