Day 2: Rewriting Abundance.

Yesterday you became familiar with what financial transactions felt like in your body. You may have noticed moments where you felt tightness or restriction. You might have had times where you felt more open or neutral, relaxed and even free. These feelings are here to show you the beliefs that have been looping beneath the surface and it is from this place that we can begin to write a new story. One that is in alignment with our Truest most safe-feeling Selves.

So what does abundance mean? For years I’ve had this belief that when I hit consistent 10k months I would officially be abundant (and worthy). I would have “made it”. But when I hit this amount for the first time, the excitement quickly turned into yet another moving goal post number because 10k did not equate to my soul definition of what abundance actually meant.

Part 1: Self-Defined Abundance Practice:

Take your time journaling out your answers to the questions below. Get as detailed as you want and write out the first thing that comes to mind.

  1. What is your most treasured childhood memory? What was happening? Paint the picture.

  2. What is your most treasured possession? Why?

  3. What is your most treasured connection? What makes it rich?

  4. What in your life have you done that has brought you the most pride and made you feel accomplished?

  5. When you treat yourself to something special, what feels indulgent?

Now, go through and underline the words that stand out to you, the ones that feel warming and sweet. When you read these words that you used to define treasure, indulgence, pride, and accomplished, do they feel like abundance in your body?

Part 2: Exploring Money Shadow

What we judge in other is often something we are silently judging within ourselves. Part 2 of this weeks homework is looking at the moments when you are judging others in regards to money with a close eye. What are your judgements? And which ones cause you the most activation in your body? This is way-finding into the shadow parts of you that are needing acknowledgment and air time. They just want to be free.

When you are able to distill down a judgment (like my example of “privileged” up above) take it through this guided meditation as a being a shadow part of you that you’d like to integrate and love on. It’s about ten minutes long and you can sprinkle this throughout your week as much as you’d like.


You are in charge of defining what abundance means to you. When we are clear on this piece, we actually have something to work with because it’s no longer allusive or prescribed by someone else. And all of a sudden we have something authentically tangible right here in front of us, and we can begin to pour our efforts into more aligned areas in life. Areas that will fuel our souls mission and that will nourish us from the inside out.

Moving through the week I want you to notice the moments that feel abundant to you and again, write that shit down. And these aren’t just money moments. These are life moments. Interactions you have, things you see, the times where you are living in joy.

Another aspect that I decided to bring into Week 2 is Shadow. Shadow aspects of self are the parts of us that we have either denied or stuffed away. One of the ways we are able to identify shadow parts of ourselves is through noticing who we are in deep judgement of and breakdown what those judgements are.

Example of identifying Shadow:

One of the biggest body activating judgements I’ ve had in relationship to money has shown up when I see people being supported financially by family or other outside sources. I’d get crazy judgmental (triggered) and would fixate on how they got gifted things that I’m working so hard for.

When I distill this judgement down to the bone, I can see many areas of life where I have been lucky or privileged in ways that I’ve felt weird shame about. I can see so clearly now how I have judged harshly in others the these things that I’ve been denying about myself.

Example of Integrating Shadow:

Now that I am able to see this shadow, I can in real-time shift my shame into gratitude for the things I’ve been given in life and I’m able to see other peoples privilege as a gift, too. This tells this once shadow part of me that it’s okay to receive even if you didn’t work for it. And now I can see that for others as well.

Part 3: Notice the Interplay Between Abundance and Shadow

I want you to think about the relationship and interplay between abundance and the way you described it in the first exercise, and shadow, the way you explored it in the second exercise.

Money is energetic and relational. It means nothing on its own.