How You Get Stuck + How You Get Unstuck
The times in life where we feel most stuck are almost always our biggest growth moments. We can use these uncomfortable feelings to help guide us in the direction of greater healing and deep self-empowerment.
That stuck feeling can be intense and make us feel paralyzed internally, not knowing what to do or where to go next. Let’s first talk about some of the ways we get stuck in the first place…
Living Out of Alignment
When we are living in a way we think we need to be living, we get far from our Truest Self. This dulls down the connection between us and our intuition which can guide us down a path that feels eerily unlike us. The moment of realizing we’ve been living out of alignment can make us feel shaky and unstable. We don’t know where to go because we forgot how to listen to our deepest inner knowing.
2. Constantly Moving
We live in a fast-paced society that doesn’t encourage or support a slower more natural state of intuitive living. When we keep ourselves so busy, we don’t have the space to tune in and receive the guidance that is always available to us. Many of us are running through our days so quickly that we can’t discern what is someone else’s voice or our own.
3. Fear of Making the Wrong Decision
A common thought that disrupts the natural flow of living and lead to stuck-ness is the belief that there is a wrong decision or a wrong path. But the truth is, you cannot miss your path. All you can do is make the path you are on more or less aligned.
4. The Comparison Trap
When we compare where we are to where someone else is, we can feel stunted if we aren’t in an empowering, positive place in our lives. In these moments of inferiority we tend to self-sabotage and not move the needle forward because we already feel too far behind.
5. Limiting Beliefs
I spent so much of my life feeling like the world was out to get me, like my circumstances were beyond my control and I had zero say in how my life looked. When we feel like the world is happening to us it is time to check in with the our belief system; the lens at which we view the world. We see things through our subconscious belief system. What are you believing under there?
6. Spiritual Bypass
If you ever feel like all you have to do is think more positively in order to bring something into your life, you are probably experiencing Spiritual Bypass which is, "the tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks." This can create huge areas of stuck-ness in life because true growth, expansion, and healing comes from deep within.