DAY 3: Employ Your Money.

Hi love. How are you feeling after yesterday? Raw? Exposed? Excited? Freaked out? All feelings are welcome here.

In day 3 we are getting into some practices to help you work in collaboration with your money and give it the job it so desperately craves. Our money needs a clearly defined job description in order for things to flow with ease and abundance. So, let’s get into it.

When money knows where it needs to go, some of that hunter gatherer energy begins to show up in your relationship with money.

— Embodied Money

I remember sitting with one of my close friends a couple years back and at the time she was working for a startup, slowly trying to ease her way back into freelance work. She shared candidly with me her process—in what I can see so clearly now—of employing her money. Giving her money a job. She didn’t use this term, but it’s exactly what she was doing.

She knew what her bills were precisely; her student loans and credit card debt, her car payment, mortgage, insurance, how much she desired for going out to eat, buying candles, day trips to the coast, and everything in between. She knew the exact amount she needed to make in order to pay all of her bills AND be able to do the things that were important to her (her own defined abundance). Until she found a way to make that amount with her freelance work, she wouldn't be leaving her position at the startup. This was revolutionary to me.

I was dumbfounded by the simplicity and power of her process. I never thought to just look at everything I owed and desired and to just figure out a way to afford the lifestyle I wanted for myself. And I think this is extremely common if you have a more avoidant relationship to money (like I did!). So my wheels started turning and my relationship to my money began to shift entirely.

Today you are lifting the veil and looking at your numbers: the money in, money out flow. You will be seeing where things need shifting and you will be recognizing that you can make adjustments to your financial structure at any moment. You are going to be looking at your money differently, as something in your life with a very specific job. And you are going to communicate this job clearly, TO. YOUR. MONEY.

Where is your money going?

How much are you actually needing to make each month to pay your bills?

How much are you needing to pay for your desires?

Are you falling short or making more than enough?

When money knows where it needs to go, some of that hunter gatherer energy begins to show up in your relationship with money. I’ve seen this work time and time again in my own life. When I am clear and concise about what I am needing in regards to financial support and abundance with my money, I begin to get more and more intuitive hits on ways I can make the amount I desire in an aligned, flowy, self-defined way. Because I am in collaboration and deep, embodied trust with my ability to make the money I desire for myself.


  1. Fill in your money out spreadsheet down to every last detail (don’t skip even the tiniest amount and go through your bank account to see any automatic payments you might be forgetting about).

  2. Create your money in spreadsheet. Every dime of what you are currently making. If your income fluctuates use last months and plug that in.

  3. Look at where you may be desiring more and ask yourself why. Take it into your journal and ask yourself…

“Why do I desire more money?”

“And is this desire aligning with my own definition of abundance? Look back at your journal practice from week 2 to make sure.

“How so?”

4. Write a letter to your money. Be clear with what you need it to do for you and how you will be in greater collaboration with it. Let it be dreamy and connected. Sacred and sweet.

Make a duplicate of the spreadsheet by clicking “FILE” then “MAKE COPY”. This way you can save it as your own.

The thought I want you to chew on this week:

When looking at your money in, money out, I want you to ask yourself, “how can I take full responsibility here?”

You can think about it, journal it out, and just notice what comes up. It is through this space of radical responsibility where we can

1) source gratitude and feelings of abundance for where we are in this moment


2) take the reins and make the changes we desire for ourselves in our life and our relationship to money

Money is energetic and relational. It means nothing on its own.