Welcome to Remembering Week, sweet girl

Your Inner Child is a sacred part of your Truest Self. She’s deeply wise and she knows what she wants and needs in order to feel happy and safe in this life.

Before we learned shame or conforming, our Inner Child freely acted on her innate desires and at her core was Fully Expressed, living in wonder before the veil of Shadow. Even though Shadow aspects are the first thing we started to sift through and find a home for, the Inner Child is a part of ourselves that we’ve had even longer. Now that we’ve managed the shadow aspects that would shut down those desires and free expression, we can begin to recognize the moments when the Inner Child is there.

There are days where she is willfully guiding your decisions, your curiosity, and your playful nature. Other days she’ll be letting you know when she’s feeling, triggered, unseen, and simply not okay.

Your focus this week is tapping back into this delicious, cozy, nurturing space that always resides within you.

You may already know her well.

Or this may be the first time you’ve began to collaborate with her.

Either way, welcome to your Inner Child.

Listen to Module 4

My first experience in connecting with my Inner Child in an intentional way was profound. I was laying on my bed and I let myself daydream, imagining what the ideal childhood for my sweet younger self would look like. I pictured what her room, the kind of light that poured in through the window, how my parents treated me and each other, what our house felt like, and so on…

What I discovered through this simple daydream was that the life I had growing up, although there were beautiful moments of love and connection, was in so many ways not in alignment with what my Truest Self needed.

I believe wholeheartedly that I chose my parents and my upbringing before I even landed earth side. I believe that everything I experienced, the trauma, my dad’s aneurism, being parentified at such a young age, are all things that birthed my true gifts to the world. I believe this to be true for all of us. So even in those moments of growth, it was so clear to me that there were some massive gaps in my nurturing.

Does this ring true to you?

Do you feel like you needed more than you received?

Do any uncomfortable feelings arise in your body when you think about that?

What’s so beautiful is that as empowered, safe, fully capable adults today, we can fill these nurturing gaps ourselves. We can pour into this little girl everything she needed but didn’t receive. We can pull from the things she loves to help shape our current reality today. We can build a life with and for her.

The Wonder Before the Veil

Week 4 Practice

This week is dedicated to reclaiming the unveiled connection between you and your Inner Child. You will be showing up for her every single day, checking in, and giving her everything she needs to live from her Fully Expressed essence.

You’ll be giving her—through daydreaming—everything she needed then, and you’ll be putting into action the things she desires for you now.

To begin your practice your will be connecting to her in your journal or through your internal monologue. You’ll use these prompts below and feel free to create some of your own. Once you complete that, you’ll take whatever came up through your music only audio for a little daydreaming sweetness.

Let her energy fill your heart space. Let this daydream be a somatic experience. It’s okay if this takes time! You can even take this through your Breathwork Practice from Module 2 as well. Take you Inner Child on walks. Give her anything and everything.


  1. Sweet girl, what do you want to do today??

    (think play, create, design, explore…)

  2. How should we move our body today?

  3. Who/what makes you feel safe and cozy?

  4. When I look at incorporating these things into my life, this is what it looks like:

Remember, when you daydream, your body and subconscious mind does not know time. So when you allow yourself to feel and experience the healing and love you needed when you were little, your body is experiencing it as if you actually received it. You can fill those nurturing gaps yourself.

“There was a period of time after you were born where it never occurred to you to feel bad for the things you wanted…”